Debating between Imam Reza (as) and jaseleiq the great christian scholar
He walks slow and confident. Reaches the meeting place. Door of the palace opens. A dumb uproar fills the space. Eyes stare on the door. Caliph stands up and walks towards the door. Others stand up too.
Meeting is quite. Nobody can speak. This condition continues till Imam sits on his place. Famous scholars of different religions and sects are sitting around the caliph. Most famous of them, Jaseleiq, Ra’soljalut, Roman Nastas, great Herbez, heads of Sabe’in and other Commanders and Officials.
Great religious scholars are still staring on Imam. Imam Reza’s appearance shows that he isn’t old and experienced.
Caliph starts speaking with Imam and then turned to Jaseleiq and said:”this is my cousin, Ali ibn Musa alReza. He is from the children of Fatemeh and Ali ibn abiTaleb. Fatemeh is the daughter of our prophet. I want you to debate with him.
Jaseleiq staring at Imam Answers: how can I debate with a person who argues from a book that I don’t accept and believes in a prophet that I don’t?
Imam that is considering the situation, with a calm and pleasant tone says to him:”the Christian, do you admit if I argue from your Gospel?”
- Admit? Yes swear to God that I will admit although it loss me.
When Imam finds the field provided, says:”ask everything that you want and hear the answer.”
-what do you say about the prophecy of Jesus and his Gospel?
-I confess his prophecy, his Gospel, his tidings to his nation that apostles admitted them. And I don’t believe in a Jesus that doesn’t admitted Muhammad and his book and doesn’t aware his nation about it.
-don’t you use two just witnesses when you are judging?
-so bring two witnesses out of your religion for the prophecy of Muhammad and want us to do such a work too.
-would you accept the testimony of a person who Jesus knows him as a just and acceptable one?
-who is that person?
- Deilami John.
-bravo, you named the best one for Christians.
-Doesn’t Gospel express that John said:”Jesus Christ aware me about the religion of the Arabic Muhammad and gave me tidings that such a prophet will come after him. I gave the tidings to apostles and they believed in him.?”
-yes, John has quoted this from Jesus and has aware about the prophecy of a man and his household and executor. But he neither had said about the time of his prophecy nor had named his household for us.
-if I bring a person who read the verses of Gospel that Muhammad and his household and nation’s names are in them, would you believe in him?
-yes, that’s good.
Then Imam turns to roman Nostas and says in a calm and interesting manner:”do you have the third chapter of Gospel in mind?”
Then turns to Ra’soljalut and says: “do you read Gospel too?”
_yes I read.
-keep the third chapter in mind and if it was mentioned to Muhammad and his household in it, testify for me.
Then he started reading the third chapter in an expressive and melodic way. When he reaches the name of Muhammad, turns to Jaseleq immediately and says:”the Christian, did you believe that I’m aware of Gospel?
Then he read the name of Prophet Muhammad and his household’s name and said to him:
-the Christian, what is your idea? This is the saying of Jesus. If you ignore what Gospel says, you has ignored Moses and Jesus and in this way you are a infidel.
-I won’t ignore what is apparent in Gospel and I would admit it.
Then Imam says to audiences:
All of you be witness that he admitted.
Then says: Jaselein, ask what you want.
-tell me how many people where Apostles of Jesus and Gospel scholars.
-Apostles were twelve that the most knowledgeable and supreme of them was Luke. But the great Christian scholars were three: Great John from Bakh, another John from Qerqisia and Deilami John from Zojar that knew the name of Muhammad and his household and his nation and gave tidings to the nations of Jesus and the children of Israel.
Then Imam looks at the audiences and continues:
The Christian! I swear God I believe in a Jesus that believed in Muhammad. But the only problem with your prophet is that he fasted and prayed low.
When Jaseleiq hear this, he becomes so happy. It’s like that he found his weakness or maybe he is so lucky. He thinks it’s the time of that he attract the attentions and show the inability of Imam. So he says happily:
-I thought you are the wisest person in Muslims. I swear God you invalidated your knowledge and weakened the bases of your work.
Imam that is seeing his status, asks what has happened?
-you say Jesus fasted and prayed low while he always fasted and prayed at nights.
Imam with hearing this confess asked:
Who he fasted and prayed for?
Suddenly Jaseleiq’s thought disturbs. He understood that everything is going against him. At first he decided to say for God. But he keeps silence because this is in contrast with theTrinity so he said nothing.
When Imam finds him helpless and depressed, says:
The Christian I want to ask another question.
Jaseleiq that understood himself inability says quietly:
If I know, I will answer.
-why you ignore that Jesus revived the dead with the permission of God?
-Because a person who revives the dead and heal the people who are blind and those who have Vitiligo disease is God for himself and Deserves Divinity.
-Prophet Yas’ did this too. He moved on the surface of water, revived the dead and healed the blind and those who had Vitiligo disease. But his nation didn’t name him as God and didn’t prayed him.
Jaseleiq becomes quite again. When Imam sees his condition, turns to Ra’soljalut and says:
-Ra’soljalut, Do you find this in Torah that Bakhtonnasr brought the children of Israel’s captives to the Babel city, God sent Hazqil to them and he revived their dead? This reality is recorded in Torah and no one except those who deny the right, would deny it.
-we have heard this and know it.
-you are right the Jewish. So hear this chapter of Torah.
Imam started reading verses of Torah in a melodic way and everyone was hearing him exactly.
His beautiful reading, wondered the Jewish scholar.
Imam looks at his stressful face and other audiences then counts the Prophet Muhammad’s miracles about reviving the dead and healing untreatable patients and says: however we don’t know him as God.
Then continues in this way:
If because of these miracles you know the Jesus as God, you should know Yas’ and Hazqil as God, too. And also Abraham because he killed birds and then mixed their meats and when called them one another, they revived. And Moses did this with the seventy persons who went to the mountain with him, too.
So we should know all of them as God?
The Jewish scholar that couldn’t answer answered suddenly:
You are right and there is no God except the lonely God.
Imam turns to them another time and asks about the Ash’ia book. Jaseleiq says:
-yes I know it very well.
-Do you remember this sentence that Ash’ia mentioned to Jesus Christ and said:
» I saw a person who was riding a donkey and was wearing a clothing of light. «
And mentioned to Prophet Muhammad and said:
» I saw a person who was riding a camel and his light was the moon’s light. «
-yes, we remember.
-the Christian, Do you remember this sentence from Jesus in Gospel that said:
» I’m going to my God and your God and Parakletos will come; he will testify me this way that I testified him and he will interpret everything for you. «
-yes, we remember. We accept what you say about Gospel.
Imam continues asking and answering and after pointing to annihilating the first Gospel, reminded creating the Gospels like Mark, John, Luke and Matthew. But Jaseleiq and others seem to be tired and helpless. When Imam another time says to him to ask what you want, he stops asking and says:
-now someone else asks.
And finally looked at Imam sadly and confessed:
-I swear God that I didn’t thought that there is such a person among Muslims.
تعداد بازدید :
تاریخ : پنج شنبه 93/6/27
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